Pulsed DC lon Emissions
3 Digit FND Display
LED&Audio Alarms for Cleaning
IR Remote Controller
For more details, please click this link to download the PDF file
Use Adjustable Output Parameters
Very High lon Density
Operate with Laminar Air Flow
Low Operatining cost
Core Insight's AirStat Digital Control Model 2100 is designed for in-tool ionization in Semiconductor Wafer Proιess and FPD working environment.High ion output current allow fas discharge time. Digital control system have adjust accurate power output and feedback monitoring capabilityModel 2100 provide efficient ionization in mini-environments AirStat Model2100 is designed for toolintegration and open environment.User can change output and feedback monitoring capability.
parameters through remote controller with FND display by 100V resoluttions.It allows you adjust alarm levels or high voltage power failure levels.With audioLED and output alarmusers can recognizeit failure status or c1eaning cycle time precisely.